We’re currently working on our BTL calculator in light of our recent criteria changes. We hope to have this back up and running soon but if you need any help in the meantime, please contact your BDM or the Helpdesk on 0330 123 1073.

Submit business.

Let’s get started

Submit business.

General tips

Using the portal.

Our portal can be used for residential, buy to let, shared ownership, self build and expat cases with up to two applicants. For more than two applicants, guarantors or for porting cases we will need a paper application form.

In order to submit business to us you must be registered on our panel. We will set you up within 48 hours and confirm all the information needed to enable you to use our portal.


General tips

  1. When entering your application, please remember to select your mortgage club
  2. Please do not enter the case in block capitals
  3. With credit cards, please only enter the last 4 digits of the PAN number and the lenders name
  4. If it is an expat BTL, please answer No for the foreign currency indicator as the rent is paid in sterling and for Expat residential, please answer yes, unless they are paid in sterling.
  5. When amending a product throughout the application process, please avoid using the ‘View Alternative Products’ button as this feature is not functional. Please select an alternative product from the list when inputting the application.

Cases in progress

Ipswich Building Society portal tools.

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